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How advanced E-surveillance systems can power your business ?

Only in the last decade has there been a significant change in security system operations. Until then, CCTV cameras were the major means for electronic surveillance systems, which required constant monitoring from personnel to identify any potential issues or threats, and even then, these could only be known after they had occurred. Despite its role in security, businesses were susceptible to human errors, and any failure in the security devices resulted in the loss of potential feeds. As businesses evolve, the demand for advanced security systems has grown to effectively counteract security threats and establish a more efficient framework for safeguarding assets.

The emergence of smarter and more innovative technologies, along with advancements in e-surveillance systems, businesses can attain a heightened level of security. Effective video surveillance offers benefits beyond security; it contributes to increased productivity, cost-effective solutions, and advanced threat detection, ultimately impacting the company's bottom line positively.

Smart Technology For Real Time Monitoring

With the assistance of technologies like IoT and artificial intelligence, the surveillance landscape has evolved from a limited number of cameras to the monitoring and management of hundreds and even thousands of cameras that constitute the entire security surveillance system. It can also provide advanced analytics tracking and alert you on a real-time basis. Smart cameras equipped with motion sensors are a step ahead in security, which empowers both homeowners and surveillance centers to receive alerts whenever human presence is detected, providing a valuable means of remotely safeguarding assets.

Advancements have not only heightened security but have also greatly improved the acquisition of relevant information and data. The integration of IoT (Internet of Things) and data algorithms in e-surveillance now provides real-time video feeds and AI-based analytics to track patterns, providing valuable insights into non-security-related data as well.

Remote Monitoring Solution

Advanced Remote Monitoring Solutions is featured with alert-based monitoring, which sends instant security alerts to Surveillance centers and even to smart phones and helps in detecting any potential threats or risks inherent in the standard operating procedures, These alerts can be configured based on industry-specific usage, prioritizing user requirements. For instance, retail sectors can configure the remote monitoring systems to send alerts at night when any intrusion is detected, and banks can configure the surveillance systems to signal the command center every time a user stays in the ATM for a prolonged period of time.

Another significant advancement that has profoundly altered the surveillance landscape is the integration of night vision technology. It can analyze and detect intrusions and can automatically configure surveillance systems to provide a 360° view of the intrusion. When combined with motion sensor-based human body detection, this becomes a robust surveillance method for proactively identifying threats in businesses and protecting valuable assets.