The proper installation of fire and safety devices is essential for optimal functioning and to detect and prevent potential fire hazards. Certified technicians at Wetzel Barron Infosystem specialise in configuring smoke detectors, fire alarms, sprinklers, extinguishers, and communication systems. Comprehensive services go beyond installation, identifying additional control measures to enhance safety.
Regular inspections of fire and safety devices are essential to maintaining their optimal condition and compliance with industry standards. WBI's skilled fire technicians conduct meticulous examinations to identify any signs of damage or malfunction. We ensure the proper installation and configuration of fire systems and provide comprehensive testing services to ensure the integrity of your fire safety system.
WBI's comprehensive solutions involve thorough device testing to confirm the proper functioning of your fire and safety devices, ensuring alarms and detection systems perform as intended. Detailed documentation provides insights into the installation and testing processes. We conduct evaluations of existing control measures, offering a comprehensive assessment of emergency plans, fire detection systems, and the identification of appropriate exit areas for enhanced safety.
With our skilled technicians equipped with fire systems, we ensure the fire and safety devices are functioning properly. Fire safety testing services begin with simulating a fire condition using specialised testing equipment to verify the performance of smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire sprinklers, and fire extinguishers. Testing and maintenance of fire safety devices are essential to upkeep their performance and to prevent any potential fire hazards.
We provide efficient repair, on-site maintenance, and troubleshooting services for fire safety systems. Continuous monitoring ensures prompt resolution of critical issues, preventing false alarms. WBI experts take corrective measures to avert defects. Our comprehensive services include cleaning, lubricating, replacing worn or damaged parts, and ensuring precise device calibration for optimal performance.
Rely on WBI for comprehensive preventive maintenance and annual maintenance contract (AMC) services for fire and safety devices. Our expert fire technicians conduct regular inspections, cleaning, lubrication, testing, battery replacements, and device calibration to minimise downtime. Ensure the continuous optimal performance of your fire and safety devices through our preventive maintenance and AMC services.