battery expertise

Battery Services

A comprehensive service combining professional maintenance, state-of-the-art service technology, and expert knowledge to deliver high-end solutions

Keeping Your Battery Powered

WBI excels in providing battery system service for a range of industries, including data centers, telecommunications, utilities, cable, broadband, etc. Our nationwide team of certified critical power technicians is equipped to provide a comprehensive suite of battery services including battery installations, battery replacements, preventive maintenance, monitoring, and testing such as battery capacity assessments, battery acceptance testing etc.

Battery Services


Battery Installation

WBI specializes in the installation of backup battery systems and UPS, adhering to industry standards. Our technicians prioritize safety and ensuring proper installation, wiring, cell layouts, racking, support, grounding, and system settings verification. We provide a range of other services including system upgrades, certification, acceptance testing, and warehousing.


Battery Replacement Service

Enhance the performance of your electronic devices with our expert battery replacement service. When confronted with declining power capacity or a need for replacement, trust in our team of professionals. WBI ensures a seamless and professional battery replacement process, using reliable and compatible batteries to restore your devices to peak performance.


Battery Capacity Testing

Battery capacity testing is the most reliable metric for evaluating battery performance. Through WBI's specialized capacity testing, you gain precise insights into your battery system's performance and its anticipated longevity. Our Battery Capacity Testing service follows industry and manufacturer standards, ensuring accuracy and reliability.


Battery Testing Service

Elevate your operations with our comprehensive Battery Testing Services. Whether it's a load test or a resistance test, we have the expertise and equipment to deliver. Performance Test ensures a thorough evaluation of a battery's capacity, detecting any capacity changes after it has been in use. Service Test examines a battery's capability in its current state, ensuring it meets the required duty cycle.


Battery Acceptance Testing

Regular Acceptance Testing is crucial for all battery systems. It ensures battery performance and provides a reference for the future. VRLA Batteries should be tested every two years, with additional annual checks in case of degradation. Flooded Batteries require testing every two years after acceptance. We simulate real load conditions, and determine your batteries maintain a base level of their manufacturer-rated capacity, otherwise indicating battery replacement.


Battery Preventive Maintenance

Regular maintenance services are essential for making your batteries last longer and work better. WBI aims at improving the performance of your Backup Battery System and preventing potential issues. This not only makes your system safer but also ensures it runs more efficiently during power outages. Our battery Preventive Maintenance services are customized to prolong battery life by addressing issues such as identifying deteriorating battery, loose connections, removing corrosion and preventing potential problems.