Seamless VSAT
across India

Banking Solutions

Ensuring ATM feasibility in remote areas, WBI provides advanced VSAT service that equips your business to meet the evolving demands of this industry.

Enhanced Network Reliability

WBI specializes in providing VSAT services, with rapid deployments for robust and secure connectivity. Our highly skilled and experienced team excels in implementing VSAT services, even in remote or technologically challenging locations. With fast turnaround times, we empower banks, financial institutions, and businesses to expand their coverage into rural areas, supported by industry-leading experts.

VSAT Services



WBI provides VSAT installation services, combining technical precision with industry knowledge. Our certified technicians expertly position and align satellite dishes for optimal signal strength. We meticulously configure VSAT modems and conduct thorough testing to ensure seamless connectivity. With attention to every technical detail, we provide reliable VSAT installations, keeping you connected without interruption.


Breakdown Service

When it comes to VSAT equipment, breakdowns can disrupt vital communication. WBI specializes in providing rapid response to VSAT failures, addressing issues such as dish misalignment, signal loss, and modem malfunctions with utmost proficiency. Our skilled technicians are equipped to troubleshoot and resolve breakdowns efficiently, ensuring minimal downtime and uninterrupted VSAT performance.


Preventive Maintenance

Our Preventative Maintenance Plan is designed to ensure the peak performance of your VSAT equipment. We provide on-site inspections, along with detailed assessments and scheduled service calls. Our team stays updated with cutting-edge solutions, providing ongoing technical support. WBI technicians are also trained in repair and system restoration, ensuring your VSAT equipment performs efficiently.



WBI specializes in providing Annual Maintenance Contract services (AMC) for VSAT, ensuring uninterrupted satellite communication. Our comprehensive AMC package includes routine equipment inspections, firmware updates, and signal optimization to maintain peak VSAT performance. With a dedicated team available round the clock, we ensure rapid issue resolution with seamless and efficient VSAT operation.


Site Audit

The VSAT Site Audit service goes beyond scanning equipment operation. Datalogic's analysis evaluates all system aspects, including material handling, environmental conditions, and support mechanisms. This identifies opportunities for enhanced system performance, uptime, and maximum throughput. Our technicians validate applications, assess material handling, and provide recommendations for optimizing throughput, ensuring peak VSAT system performance.