Drive down cost
and optimise
medical equipment

Health care solutions

We assist medical facilities in India and empower them to provide excellent patient care through comprehensive annual maintenance services for medical equipment.

Professional AMC service for
Medical Equipments

WBI provides annual maintenance contracts (AMC) that are customised to meet the unique requirements of medical facilities in India. We have developed our annual maintenance service as a cost-effective way to ensure that your medical equipment continuously performs at optimal levels.

Annual Maintenance Contract


Routine Inspection

Our team of proficient technicians conducts routine inspection, calibration, and extensive testing at your medical facility to ensure that your medical devices meet regulatory standards while enhancing the efficiency and performance of medical equipment.


Medical Device Maintenance

Regular maintenance and repairs are essential in maintaining the medical equipment's longevity and contribute significantly to patient care, maximising your return on investment. Our team of certified technicians is available round-the-clock to ensure that medical facilities have constant access to technical support.


Medical Device Repair

In the event of device malfunctions or breakdowns, WBI’s technicians provide you with complete assistance to resolve the issue with onsite repair service. We have the expertise to diagnose and address issues efficiently with a fast turnaround time, minimising equipment downtime and ensuring uninterrupted operations for your medical facility.


Technical Support

WBI technicians have the expertise to provide service for a range of medical devices and ensure that medical facilities have access to invaluable technical support. With round-the-clock assistance, we help you maintain the optimal functioning of your equipment, enhance efficiency, and provide prompt solutions to ensure uninterrupted patient care.